General Knowledge Question and Answer 1
1 ) What is the frequency of “ World Book Fair “ held in New Delhi ?
A) Twice in a Year
B) Once in two Years
C) Every Year
D) Every four months
2 ) Which of these countries is the highest consumer of “ Coke “ ?
A) Japan
B) U.S.A
C) Argentina
D) Kenya
3) Which of these people spending the most on pharmaceuticals ?
A) Americans
B) French
C) Germans
D) Japanese
4) Which of these is the most popular and most common snack in U.S.A ?
A) Guacamole
B) Potato Chips
C) Tortilla Chips
D) Popcorn
5) Which of these is the most populated state in U.S.A ?
A) New York
B) Texas
C) California
D) Washington
Answers : 1 ) B 2 ) B 3) C 4) A 5) C